Monday, July 25, 2011

Ice Cream Social & Meeting

 Here are some pix and the meeting minutes from the 7/24/11 Meeting:

League of Mode Revolutionaries
Business Meeting 7/24/2011

Meeting started at 1:30 p.m.
Trish P. & Kendra W. present
I’d like to steal the purpose from DFWCG:
Purpose of the group
The primary function of the Organization is to actively promote the advancement of the knowledge and skills of its members and to facilitate communication among individuals engaged in all aspects of design and production in the costuming arts. This is a not-for-profit organization organized and operated exclusively for fellowship, contact among members and educational purposes, and in furtherance thereof for no other purpose shall:
a) Disseminate information about aesthetic and technological developments in the costuming arts;
b) Participate in local and regional projects, programs, conferences, expositions, research, symposia;
c) Participate in local costuming and living history events;
d) Promote research, education, training, innovation and creativity in the costuming arts;
e) Work in cooperation with allied organizations to ensure that the interests of the members of the Organization are represented locally and regionally;

Kendra suggested a few places we could make a presence, either at a table recruiting, giving panels/demos, or even just attending in outfits. Penguicon, Youmacon, Northville’s Victorian Days, and the Sewing Expo (maybe enter the “Show your support” for breast cancer challenge).

Officers (this is still being figured out)
-     President (?)
-     Coordinator (?)
-     Communications Officer (?)
-     We don’t want to deal with legal issues of the group holding money at this point (to need a treasurer).

-     Facebook (Seems to be working best)
-     Blogger Site (Until we get a regular website, it would be the public face…)
-     Interest was expressed in starting a Yahoo Group
-     Website possibility with domain after the group gets going.

Kristie was working on a really cool logo that we could use on the website and business cards.

Types of events we would like to have (and can we schedule them)?
-     Halloween Party in October? Sci-Fi Space theme. 10/9/11 at TBD.
-     Possibly attend Val-Day, Feb 2012, in a themed group (Italian Ren perhaps).
-     Stitch & B!+c# (with fitting help). Bi-Monthly. First Scheduled for 8/22/11 at Kendra’s house.

Meeting was ended before we got rained on, and we went to Kilwin’s for ice cream.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the warm invitation to join the League. I found the ice cream to be quite refreshing, and the constitution about the park and city of Plymouth was the perfect conclusion to the day. Luckily those dark clouds passed us by while we were enjoying the coolth of the ice cream parlor and fudge shop.
    I for one move to have more meetings in Plymouth in the future.
